Does Magnesium Prevent Migraines? - Life Titan Research

Does Magnesium Prevent Migraines?

Have you considered supplementing with magnesium for migraines?  Scientists in Turkey are convinced that toxic levels of heavy metals may be the root cause for these brain-buster headaches that affect millions every year.  

Over the past several decades, research has focused on possible migraine “triggers” – light, foods, and even smells that bring on one of the severe episodes that can make it impossible to accomplish even the simplest daily tasks.  Unfortunately, it is another case of concentrating on the symptom rather than the source.  

Signs You May Have a Migraine

  • The pain in your head can feel as if it is actually throbbing or pulsing
  • Pain may begin (and even stay) on one side of your head
  • You experience intense pain around your temples
  • The headache lasts anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Extreme sensitivity to light, noise, or smells
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling dizzy or as if the room is spinning
  • Problems with vision (blurred, blind spots, or strange patterns) (migraine with aura) 
  • Numbness or tingling in your body
  • Fluctuations in mood, especially feeling irritable or anxious

The authors of the study from Yuzuncu Yil University looked at participant blood composition instead.  They were searching for abnormal levels of heavy metals or glaring vitamin deficiency and they found it.  None of the 50 patients were on any sort of vitamin regimen, were all non-smokers, and in reasonably good health (no history of diabetes, heart disease, etc).  Half of the patients suffered from chronic migraines.  

The migraine sufferers tested with much higher counts of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, and iron) and much lower counts of important minerals (magnesium, zinc, and copper).  It’s easy to diagnose acute toxicity (poisoning) from heavy metals – the signs are impossible to miss.  It’s much harder to diagnose chronic toxicity since the signs are common across several conditions.

Common Signs of Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Severe cramping (acute)
  • Convulsions (acute)
  • Shortness of breath (acute)
  • Nausea or vomiting (acute)
  • Problems with brain cognition (motor skills, simple tasks, language) (acute)
  • Constant sweating for no reason (acute)
  • Headaches that won’t ease or come back often (acute) 
  • Fatigue without a specific cause (chronic)
  • Fluctuating blood sugar levels (chronic)
  • Unexplained weight gain (chronic)
  • Digestive problems (chronic)
  • Reproductive issues (irregular menstruation, infertility, or miscarriage) (chronic)
  • Pain in the joints (chronic)
  • Mood swings, anxiety, or depression (chronic)

The use of magnesium for migraines is a fairly new discovery.  This mineral is readily available in several food sources that can provide more than enough for your health.  Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, spinach, navy beans, black beans, quinoa, and cashews are packed with magnesium (as well as delicious).  With just a few servings of these common foods, you can get all the magnesium you need through your diet.  

Why You Want More Magnesium

  • Great for muscle health, flexibility, and strong bones (and teeth)
  • Helps you achieve quality sleep by keeping melatonin levels right
  • Balances pH in your body
  • Keeps the body hydrated through electrolyte production
  • Lowers lactic acid buildup that occurs after a workout
  • Helps your body metabolize sugar more efficiently 
  • Helps the central nervous system relax 
  • Regulates bowel movements
  • Increases proper enzymatic function

Despite the fact that 10% of the adult population globally suffers from migraines, there has been little progress in discovering the cause or creating a true “cure” rather than a “treatment.” 

According to The Migraine Trust, “Migraine is the most common neurological condition in the developed world.  It is more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy, and asthma combined.”

That’s why the Turkey study is so important.  It’s the first true step in the right direction to finding the source of migraines so they can be stopped once and for all.

If these debilitating headaches are due to heavy metal toxicity and nutrient deficiency, the world is going to get a whole lot better for patients who have to endure them.  

Supplementing with magnesium for migraines might be simple enough to work.


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